I think I accidentally diagnosed everyone with bipolar disorder. Between reading “Fight Club” and having someone actually confess that they feel like two different people at times, I’m convinced. (She said if I mentioned her name she’d put me on the back of a milk carton.)
The diagnosis:
There is a 2.0 version of us that lives. It is able to breath based on the disapproval and judgment it has on you. You, the innocent and legitimate 1.0 version, created this person when it realized how much of a pank You were. More than likely never realizing at the time but each “How the hell did I do that?” moment, 2.0 is over your shoulder smiling with pride. 2.0 is your liquid courage, without the liquid. It pushes You off when you’re standing at the ledge thinking, maybe bungee jumping isn’t a good idea. 2.0 goes to the bathroom during a shitty date and never comes back, while You later text him your apology. It’s a beautiful balance. You find yourself a job that will pay the bills, but 2.0 will write You the best 2 week notice convincing you that there are greater things in your crystal ball.
In a nut shell, Fight Club is a about man who hates his job and life and everything around him, he just doesn’t know it yet. For god sake, his most exciting hobby is collecting Ikea furniture. He then meets Tyler, a careless sexy beast, who ends up burning his apartment and precious furniture and changing him completely. Tyler is his 2.0, my dear reader. They’re the same person.
Tyler Durden: Yes, you do. Why would anyone possibly confuse you with me?
Narrator: Uh... I... I don't know. [Random flashbacks]
Tyler Durden: You got it.
Narrator: No.
Tyler Durden: Say it.
Narrator: Because...
Tyler Durden: Say it.
Narrator: Because we're the same person.
Tyler Durden: That's right.
Narrator: Uh... I... I don't know. [Random flashbacks]
Tyler Durden: You got it.
Narrator: No.
Tyler Durden: Say it.
Narrator: Because...
Tyler Durden: Say it.
Narrator: Because we're the same person.
Tyler Durden: That's right.
Tyler Durden: Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!
If the world was anything like the Disney ride "It's a small world after all", you'd be content with being sinless 1.0. However, I’ve recently realized that Disney has it all twisted. I mean, if a prince tried to climb up my hair I’d munch it off and become a widow before I even get to choose my ring. Point is, we will always yearn for a better version of ourselves when we find that life’s not all that charming and glittery and flexible. Unless you're a stripper at Tootsie's or something.. If you are, I’m pretty impressed that you know how to read this.
“All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.” Tyler Durden
Must we arrive at the crazy point in which we burn down our apartment because we've become so distraught? Is there a balance between accepting what we are not, but have the chance to become? My question is, do we ever grow to be the person we day dream about in elementary school? Or do we spend our whole adult life battling between two personalities, the kid in us and the adult, the adventuresome dream chaser or the play it safe, the go-getter or the timid dork who blogs about how to go-get.
“People do it every day, they talk to themselves... they see themselves as they'd like to be, they don't have the courage you have, to just run with it.” – Tyler Durden
Now go watch Fight Club, go!
In a perfect world I'd be in the Maldives with a couple of good people who know a couple of good jokes. We'd be downing lime-infused vodka drinks under cover of an over water bungalow during a mild afternoon storm. Not having a single car payment, phone bill, or late fee to worry about.
ReplyDeleteIn reality, I'm sitting here in the dark, legs tired, back sore, passing time making castles in the sky complete with lime-infused vodka drinks.
Let's hope one day my 2.0 self will make it to those islands in the middle of nowhere.
Thank you for reading. And even more for making me drool over your mental lime-infused vodka. Cheers 2.0!